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How an AI-Powered Interview Robot can Help You find ‘A-type’ People

How an AI-Powered Interview Robot can Help You find ‘A-type’ People

A-Type people are a great asset to any organisation.  They’re the people we like and admire, others coalesce to them and they consistently over-achieve. You probably have a few A-types, but mostly you’ll have B-Type people. B-type people are good and they do a good job.  Then, there are the C-Type people. There’s usually a […]

Hiring Table Waiters

Hiring Table Waiters

Recruitment is one of the most important things we do in the hospitality  business today, and finding really good table waiters is critical because they are the face of your restaurant. They meet and get to know your customers and have a huge influence on the success of your enterprise.  To find the best, you […]

How AI Helps you Lead a Remote Team

How AI Helps you Lead a Remote Team

It would be stating the obvious to say that managing people remotely is not the same as managing them when they’re together. In this blog we’ll look at some of the problems of managing remote teams, how they can be handled and at how effective different management styles are. But first, let’s identify some of […]

Recruit with Enigmascore

Read on how you can leverage AI tools today to help you in your recruitment process